Saturday, May 19, 2007

Garage Sale Day

I don't know about you, but Saturday is garage sale day at our house. I wasn't sure about going today, but Bekah wanted to go. I wanted to go, just not alone with all three kids. We did need to get out though and it turned out to be really fun! We called it a treasure hunt and we were pirates (Bekah made this up to entertain Jonah). The kids pointed out signs and were excited when we found some "treasure". And did we ever find treasure! (for the kids anyway) We found these blocks in the picture and the toy house (that I remember playing with when I was a kid) it was in perfect condition too. I wasn't in the mood to look through clothes, but we got some toys that will keep kids busy for a while. Here's a list of what we got:
  1. two pairs of jeans for Bekah (even though I wasn't looking for clothes, these were right on top and she always needs jeans)
  2. two belts for Bekah
  3. two bob the builder toys
  4. bucket of bricks
  5. toy house
  6. several books (free! Including two touch and feel books. Bekah and I wanted to do an altered book craft project with two of the books also)
  7. storage bins (for me)
  8. jesse and woody doll
  9. toy keyboard (for Sam)

I spent about 8 dollars all together, pretty good. When we got home we had lunch. Then I got to mow the lawn while Sam slept and Bekah and Jonah watched a movie.

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