Sunday, May 27, 2007

Baby Bird

The kids found a baby bird in our yard. I don't know exactly what happened, but I guess it fell from a nest. The bird was coughing up blood and obviously hurt badly. I told the kids it was about to die and it did. We watched it. I'm glad it went fast and didn't suffer too long. I think it was a robin. It was still warm in my hand and the feathers were so soft.


Christy said...

We had a baby bird in our yard yesterday. I could see the nest where he came from and a bigger bird kept coming and feeding it. It hopped over to the neighbor's yard and I haven't seen it since!

Callie said...

Wow! you are brave. We had a dead bird on our deck in Lincoln and I had a hard time picking it up. And it was already dead. It was so sad. I love the picture with Jonah in the background. It says a lot about the moment.