Sunday, May 20, 2007


Jonah needed to chill out for a while, the cutest he's been all day. We were all short on sleep and a little bit grumpy today. I let Bekah sleep in my bed last night and she kept kicking me all night. I'd have to wake her and tell her to move over. No more sleepovers in my bed! Jonah went to bed just a little bit late and he was in rare form today! So we tried to relax this afternoon in the yard. The kids are big into playing hide and seek so I tried to wear them out with that. Jonah is so entusiastic about hide and seek. He always hides behind the shed and always peeks through his fingers when he is counting. And he counts really fast like this 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,14,19,15,17,12...READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!!!
I just noticed that I have blogged every day this week (or pretty close). I want Alan to know what is going on here and this is the easist way to do it.

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