Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Crafty Afternoon

The one above is Bekah's. The one below is all the other animals I was just playing around with.
Jonah usually goes to Grandma's house on Wednesday afternoons so we decided to do a craft today while he is gone and Sam is asleep. I had seen this idea in a Family Fun magazine at my doctor's office and thought it was a good idea. They took favorite stuffed animals and made a wreath out of them. They started with a wire hanger and tied the animals on with fishing line. It wasn't quite as easy as they made it sound and it doesn't work well tying it to the wire hanger. I think I would start with a thinner grapevine wreath and tie the animals onto that, it definitely needs to be thicker and sturdier than the wire hanger. Any other ideas? I will probably redo them. I like how it looks on the wall and they are at least off the floor, a nice decoration for the playroom. I'm sure everyone out there has stuffed animals that are sentimental and can't toss them like us.

1 comment:

Callie said...

Cute! I have tons of those sentimental stuffed animals. I'll have to give it a try. I'm not very crafty though.