Monday, June 4, 2007

The Marathon

Every year Bekah's school holds a mini marathon. The kids can choose a 1, 2, or 3 mile run. This year Bekah chose to run the 2 mile run. She's a pretty good runner (she must get that from Alan, I'm terrible!). It really helps the kids feel like they have accomplished something good. We always go and watch and cheer her on.
Bekah and her friend after the race. They got bags of pretzels and water and could watch the other runners. They also get a medal for finishing and their time on a sheet of paper.


Callie said...

Way to go Bekah!!!!

I really miss my kids doing that. It really motivated them to run, which I don't do, and to learn endurance.

Unknown said...

I hope Mckenzie has something like that when she is older. That looks cool!

Jennifer said...

The first graders didn't get to choose so David had to do one mile. He really wanted to do more. That's great Bekah choose to do two, yeah!!!