Thursday, June 7, 2007


I bought this white skirt at Goodwill the other day. It was a little too short for me and I wanted to add some lace or fabric to the bottom of it, so I HAD to go to the fabric store. I LOVE the fabric store and could spend hours there thinking about things to make. I went to joanns today and they had some really cute fabric and some really good sales. I chose this one to go on my skirt and it was in the clearance section for 3 dollars a yard! Can't beat the price of that. They also had tons of scrapbooking embellishments on sale for really good prices. It was just nice to be out and about without the kiddos.


Unknown said...

That looks great! You are amazing Rachel! Go Girl!

nance said...

Great skirt! And I love that you can sew... if only I had your skills.