- Jonah has really discovered reading. Just in the last week he has wanted me to help him with words while we are reading together. We follow the words with our fingers and he is starting to recognize a lot of them! I love watching him discover how to read and realize he can do it. He is so proud of himself too!
- He has been drawing and writing like crazy, no paper in our house is safe! He has been writing his name and words like sheep, frog, bug, pie, bear (hey Word World has an influence here!). He will also ask me how to spell words too, like the other day he asked me, "What are the letters in skateboard?".
- He's really into "fake falling". This is just running into a wall and falling down on purpose. It's a boy thing. He also does a fair amount of "real falling" too!
- He loves the Backyardigans right now. He loves to play the Backyardigan games on Nick Jr.'s website. He draws them a lot too.
- When we read stories, I change some of the words to see if he notices. He always corrects me and thinks it is pretty funny.
- Jonah was the Ringbearer at Alan's brothers wedding in March. He did a great job walking down the isle and looked so good in his little tuxedo!
- He loves to snack and everyday asks, "Can I have a snack of pretzels?".
- He loves to build and has been playing non-stop with legos, especially the new Diego legos he got for his birthday.
Happy Birthday Jonah!!
Happy Birthday Jonah! 5 years, WOW! He sounds so grown up.
ahhhh- so cute! I forgot that Benjamin, Jonah and Corynn all are really close with their bdays!
Happy Birthday!
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