Monday, July 16, 2007

Still Sick

We went to Columbus this weekend even though I was still a little sick. It was fun and crazy as it always is to travel with kids. They were so good in the car, it is a 1 1/2 hour drive. Jonah slept both ways, AMAZING! Sam slept on the way back. Bekah and I listened to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I think I successfully got her hooked on the series! I don't like to drive so I was really grateful that the kids were good. Hey, prayer works!
We got to see where Alan has been working the last 5 weeks. It is called the Good Neighbor Health Center. He has been able to use his Spanish a lot! One more week of being apart during the week and then he will be home for about 2 months. It is definately not something we plan to do too much in the future, it is hard to be apart. I don't know how military families do it!
We went to a water park in Columbus and the kids swam for 5 hours! I felt ok at this point, just still coughing and hoarse. I even went down the water slide that is shaped like a toilet and "flushes" you out. It was interesting, but a little scary! I think I'll stick with the traditional water slide, thank you very much. Saturday night we went out to the Farm where Alan has been staying. The kids loved all the animals, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, a horse and a mule.
We went to church at the Branch there, very nice group of people. Then we had a picnic of sandwiches, fruit and chips. I felt a little worse on Sunday. Then the kids and I got ready to go home. Like I said, everyone was good on the way home and getting unpacked. Then I started to feel worse again. I had a fever again and was coughing so much I thought I might cough up a lung! Alan insisted that I go see a doctor on Monday and after a night of misery I was ready to go. I got to spend lots of money on drugs that really better work. I also was about to kill my kids because it seemed like they were fighting a lot more than normal. So Audra, I can sympathize with you on being sick in the summer. It is strange to be cuddled under a feather down comforter in 98 degree weather! Hopefully I will get pictures of the water park up soon, it was really fun.


Audra said...

That stinks that you are still sick! My headache has finally subsided- but still feel yucky. Hope you feel better soon!

Hollie said...

Sorry, you'll still sick. What did you end up having?

Rachel said...

Sinus infection. Doing better with a night of sleep. Cough medicine with codeine works wonders!

Hollie said...

.....gotta love that codeine. I hope you're feeling better now.