Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sick Week

Bekah has been battling a summertime cold and she lovingly passed it on to me. I felt it coming on Tuesday night. Also on Tuesday Jonah just wouldn't go to sleep, he cried and cried. He had a temp and then he threw up. He still had a fever on Wednesday, but acted normal, no more throw-up (yeah!). I took Nyquil last night and went to bed early. I woke up in the middle of the night to a closed, crusty eye. Conjunctivitis I thought and went back to sleep. The pink eye is from Sam (he had it last week). Luckily, because of Sam, I have drops and used them in both my eyes this morning. I'm sure I looked wonderful at swimming lessons this morning with my eye all swollen! Now both boys are coughing a little, I just hope that it doesn't get worse. We are going to Colubus Nebraska this weekend since Alan has been working there for 5 weeks. They have a fun little water park there and we plan to check it out. Hopefully we will all be a bit better, I plan to take it easy today.


Audra said...

Bummer- its such a pain being sick when your the mom! Hope you feel better soon! Take care!

Hollie said...

That is a bummer, I hope you guys are feeling better soon. I hate being sick in the summer time.