Monday, April 2, 2007

This and That

We had a relaxing weekend for once! Well, Alan didn't, but the kids and I did. We stayed home almost the whole weekend. I was trying to scrapbook during general conference and got a lot done! It was so fun. On Sunday I didn't let myself do any dishes or other chore types of things. We ate really easy food, mostly leftovers. I need to do that more often, I felt so much more relaxed.

Jonah learned something new this morning. I went to put the clean sheets on my bed and when I came back out I found Sam running around on the patio with just his diaper on. Jonah had figured out how to unlock the back door and open it. Our doors are so old and hard to open, Bekah could never get them open at this age! I will have to be more careful from now on!


Audra said...

kids are so darn smart and mischievous! ya can't take your eyes off them for a minute!

Audra said...

you know- maybe the fact that they are so smart is what makes them mischievous...maybe! :o)