Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Leg Up

My vericose vein procedure went pretty well. I took Valium to relax me just before the procedure. It did not relax me quite as much as I would have liked! I was expecting to be a little more "out" than I was. They did a series of needle injetions all along the bad vein and that was no fun. I had to do some labor breathing! After that I could not feel the other injections that they had to do before the laser was inserted. The laser burned the vein closed. I know this is not technical, but it's how I understood it. Alan was lucky enough to observe the whole thing and found that the doctor was a very good teacher. I was glad to have Alan in the room.
When it was all done they put a support stocking on and we could leave. I can't take the thing off for 3 whole days. I unfortunately have lots of experience with support hose. These are thigh high and don't have any toes. Yes Amanda, they now make them with no toes, where were these a couple of years ago! I wanted to take credit for them since I cut out the feet on my other pair because I was too hot(summer pregnancy+support hose=cranky woman!!) We stopped for Chinese food and I could barely stay awake to finish it. They said I would be tired afterwords and they were definitly right! I slept for 3 hours! That part was heavenly. i will be looking forward to that part on the next two procedures.

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