Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Oh, If Only!

I certainly wish men could take a turn with the pregnancy thing. Alan's class had to practice pregnancy exams on each other. There are 20 women and 2 men in his class. They all had to bring pillows and pretend to be pregnant. There is one woman who actually is pregnant in his class, she had it easy that day! They even assign them specific problems that they have to diagnose and give treatment for. Guess who had an STD! I thought it was pretty funny.


Audra said...

lol that is just too funny! good blackmail pic!

Hollie said...

Oh, that is too funny. If only they had twenty or thirty pound pillows....hahah

Christy said...

If Alan was pregnant I think we'd have something more serious than a pesky STD to worry about!

Funny stuff.

wendysue said...

That is hilarious! And his chest is even bigger than his belly!