Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sick Days

The past three days Sam has had a high fever in the morning, about 104. He does have an ear infection too so he has not been feeling good. The only good thing about his fever is that He is letting me hold him a lot and for a long time. I really cherish those moments, he's usually too wiggly to hold for a long time.
I spent all of Friday in the hospital for a surgery to "fix" my pelvic veins. It was hard to leave Sam when he was sick, but he was with Grandma and Grandpa and he did alright. I inherited bad veins, more of a circulation problem that causes vericose veins. Made worse by three pregnancies. Like the nurse at the hospital said, I am too young to be dealing with these things, good old genes. Once the doctor got a look at what was actually happening in there he saw that I had an extra set of veins. He said it was strange. They ended up putting 51 coils (little "springs" that help with circulation). They ran out of coils halfway through and had to go to the other hospital to get some more. I was concious during the surgery so I could hear everything. I did fall asleep at times though. Recovery has been easy, no pain at all. I now have to have two procedures on my legs, but that won't be for about a month. The worst part of all was the IV. I hate those things!


wendysue said...

Yuck. . .sickies and surgery. I hope Sam is doing better (I do sometimes like when they're sick too, it slows them down a bit), and most of all, I hope you are better!! I bet Alan's already thinking up a research project on the extra set of veins right?

Amanda said...

Wow, Rachel! And I thought my veins were bad. It's probably helped you to heal with Sam being sick. I hope you are feeling better soon. I wish I could be there to help.