Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Nothing brings the kids together like popcorn! They all love it (so do we!). We have such a hard time getting a picture of all our kids together, I told Alan to run and get the camera. We really didn't get a good picture, but it was worth a try. Sam was always moving, trying to get closer to the popcorn. I thought he had a pretty good spot in Bekah's lap, but he ended up sitting on the table right beside the bowl!


Amanda said...

It's the same at our house. Everyone loves popcorn! The kids usually want a movie to go with it. Sometimes they sit through all the previews before they even eat a kernel. Carson started that.

Audra said...

casual snapshots are the best...keepsakes forever attached to instant memories... the kids will love looking at them when they are older. And popcorn is the best... nothing like a big bowl of it to bring the family together!