Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cabin Fever

Last night it snowed and it is still sooo cold. I'm really feeling trapped in the house with two wiggly little boys. Sam has totally recovered from his ear infection and fever and has been litarally climbing the walls! He learned how to crawl out of his crib a week ago, and can now almost climb back in. He's on everything, moving furniture to use as a step stool to get to higher places. Jonah just runs in circles. These boys need to be outside!
My triumph today is that Bekah really understood the math homework that we were working on! I was so happy, it was actually a good experience for both of us. I wasn't in the fetal position, crying, or tearing my hair out. Math has been a little rough to say the least.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I totally understand about the cabin fever. My kids are on everything just because there is no where else to go. They went out a little yesterday but it wasn't long. Chin up! Warmer weather seems to be coming in the next week or so.