Friday, February 23, 2007


Here is Sam, enjoying Bekah's fondu. I posted a picture of Sam because he has reached a milestone. Yes, he is almost 18 months old, but that's not it. He has learned the word "NO". He has really been working on this, along with a mad face to go with it. "NO" does not apply to chocolate and sweets though!


Audra said...

cute picture! I can't remember a time that the word 'no' wasn't in the girls' vocabulary! Especially Corynn- pretty much her favorite word... her first word too, i think! Its a good thing they are so darned cute at that age! =)

nance said...

such a cutie!

Amanda said...

Lucy is about the same. She doesn't say it yet she just shakes her head. It's annoying but so dang cute. Its funny to hear her different tones of my name. She'll give a sad, crushed "mom" when we laugh at her. I'm sure a sharp "no" is not to far away.

Deb said...

It looks like he had a fun time saying "YES!"