Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sam's First Haircut

Yes, it's long overdue, the dreaded haircut. I think I put it off for so long because Jonah's first real haircut was so tramatic for me (I had trimmed his bangs that were in his face). We buzzed Jonah and he just lost the baby look. Sam's hair is totally different and we didn't feel the need to buzz him. he was so tired when Alan cut his hair that he just sat there staring. It ended up being a good time to do it. He had some adorable curls in the back that I cut off, tied ribbons around, and put in a memory keepsake envelope to put in the scrapbook. I think Sam looks good, more like a boy, but not too grown up.


Audra said...

i love the first photo of Sam and Alan's hands... it almost looks professional! Very cool keepsake to put with his curls!

Hollie said...

So so so cute! Mckenzie is next!

Amanda said...

What a cutie. Carson had a traumatic first hair cut so with George we just buzzed his hair. He was five months and losing it anyway. I buzzed Lucy's hair too 'cause she was losing it and it was so many lengths. She was five months old at the time as well. I'm glad Sam was calm, that always helps.