Two stories, one about Sam, one about Jonah.
Today was a normal day. I was getting bills paid and organized and he was watching tv. I put the bills, all ready to be mailed out, by the door (like I always do). I told Sam I was going up to take a shower. After my shower I heard him yell up to me "Mom, I opened all the mail!". Yeah, he opened all the bills, and NOT carefully! Ripped open! At least, by some miracle, he didn't rip any checks.
I got a letter from school on Friday that Jonah was out of money in his lunch account. How could this be I wondered since I budget out 2 meals a week from school and he brings his lunch the other days. I checked online to see the meal history, what he had bought with the money (which I didn't know about before this incident). He has been buying breakfast at school, 10 days of breakfast were on there! And yes, he does eat breakfast at home before he goes to school!
Oh Boys! Too funny!
My boys love check the mailbox and open the mail and go to the post office with us! Very cute story and you ARE lucky that he didn't rip any checks! Oh, and I think I've heard the exact same school lunch story from someone else in the ward...funny how lots of kids do the same things!
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