Saturday, August 2, 2008


This is the pond behind our house. We LOVE seeing this pond from our Family room. There is also a field of grass that they mowed down two weeks after we got here. The boys loved watching the tractor as it cut, raked, and baled the hay. The farmer would wave at the boys as he passed by on the tractor!
Here we are hard at work, catching those slippery little baby frogs. Bekah is the best frogger and can catch them with her bare hands! The rest of us use nets. There are so many baby frogs. We are on a strictly catch and release program here. We have also caught a few tadpoles, but I made them release them too. I need to do some more research so we can find out how to take care of them so we can catch one and watch it grow.
It took Jonah a lot of practice to catch one on his own, but he is a determined boy and finally did it!
Here is one of the big ones. There are several different kinds including bullfrogs. These boys make a lot of noise at night! Jonah loves to scare these and watch as they let out a sqeal, jump into the water, and swim away, he laughs sooo hard!

1 comment:

canihavethisdance said...

It looks like you are finding a lot of fun things to do!

The kids must all be loving their new adventures!