Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Big Five

Tagged again
Rules-Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The FiveTen years ago…
  1. Bekah was 18 months old
  2. I worked at the fabric store at night and on Saturdays. I learned how to quilt during this time, being inspired by what I saw at the store.
  3. Alan worked at Office Max (and hated every minute of it!)
  4. We got a yellow lab puppy (that we later got rid of). She was a sweet dog though. She got to go live on a farm with some wonderful people.
  5. I was attempting my first scrapbooks, I look back at them and can't believe how bad they are! oh well, I was just learning.

Five things on today’s “to do” list…
  1. Change Car insurance, cancel old policy
  2. unpack more boxes
  3. clean kitchen floor
  4. continue potty training with Sam
  5. organize bills/files

Five snacks I enjoy
  1. Dove dark chocolate dipped in peanut butter and milk to drink
  2. crackers and cheese and a soda
  3. chips with guacamole and homemade salsa (which I just learned to make!)
  4. Trail mix
  5. Cookies and milk

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…
  1. pay off house
  2. donate
  3. invest
  4. travel (England, Italy, Greece, New York, Jamaica, and lots more!)
  5. add a sunroom and hot tub to the house

Five places I have lived…
  1. Nebraska
  2. Minnesota (for 6 months)
  3. Nebraska (again!)
  4. Oklahoma
  5. That's about it!

I am tagging Colleen, Elizabeth, Kori, Shannon and Wendy.


Shannon B. said...

Audra said...

interesting! I love learning more about people! Sounds like things are going good! miss ya

Kori said...

Okay, done. Thanks Rachel!

Callie said...


Hollie said...

So..... did the dog really go to a farm? That's what my dad said happened to all our dogs!

Rachel said...

The dog really went to the country with a nice family, not a real "working" farm. Do you think we'd really LIE to our kids;)