Friday, January 25, 2008

A Crafty Month

Here is our new family home evening chart. I wanted to make a new one to add a place for Sam. We are pretty informal about family home evening, but it helps to have everyone have a job.
The names are stamped on thin wood pieces, painted and sanded. The hardware are drawer handles turned upside down. I used rub-on letters for the "family home evening". I used a label maker to mark the assignments under the drawer handles. The best part is, I had all this stuff on hand. These are just wooden blocks, painted and sanded. Then I used these rub-ons that I got at the dollar store. The "Love is patient, Love is kind" saying was all in one package, with the swirls and flowers. A pretty inexpensive little craft. I do want to tie a black and white check ribbon around them to finish it off, but I need to go shopping for that. I thought they turned out nice.


Audra said...

I noticed your family home evening chart the other night...too cute!

Hollie said...

You are so talented! It's amazing with the things you come up with.

Kori said...