Sunday, December 3, 2006

A Relaxing Sunday

Just as we were about to leave church, the kids were goofing around with the window in the primary room and Jonah got his thumb crushed in the window. Of course he screamed. The fluid and blood were building up under his nail and Alan wanted to use his newly aquired medical skills to puncture and drain the fluid. I didn't want to hold Jonah so I made him call a classmate to help. They could not get the paper clip hot enough to go through the nail with the regular grill lighter. Yes, I said a paper clip(advanced medical tools here). So they had to go get a micro torch at the hardware store and try again. The pressure built up was enough to squirt a little bit of blood several inches across the paper towel on the kitchen table. The nail was completely a deep shade of purple and now it is a normal color again, there's just a hole in it!


wendysue said...

brave kiddo! Too bad he wasn't a little older to appreciate the spewing blood onto the kitchen table. I'm sure he'd tell all his friends.

Does video exist of Alan and his classmate doing all this? Sounds like youtube to me!!

Christy said...

That's amazing! I'm with you, though. Calling a classmate was a good call.

Hollie said...

Oh man, that is just crazy! Yeah, you just saved yourself some money.

We are still paying off a $1000.00 bill to BryanLGH for Mckenzie's 105.7 fever! Yes, I said one thousand dollars to find out that she had a fluke high fever and all we needed to do was bump her up to the next weight class for the dosage of Tylenol and Ibuprofen and rotate those every 4 hours. It was an expensive lesson.