Saturday, February 21, 2009


Well it's happened, someone at our house needed stitches. Normal Saturday morning, boys watching tv, goofing off, a little rough play and then THE CRY. It's Sam. Bekah brings him upstairs with blood spilling out of his mouth. Alan and I are getting ready for the day. Alan has to go to work in 5 minutes. He will be late. I ask Alan if it needs stitches and he says yes and pulls out his med kit. Oh yeah, HE can do it. I was amazingly calm through the whole process. I was holding limbs and looking the other way, but I did sneak a peak and didn't feel like fainting. Sam was really good. I expected him to start screaming when Alan gave him the shot in his lip, but he just whimpered a little and stayed still. Two stitches in his lip. The sad thing is through the process of sewing him up I was thinking that I should get a picture for the blog. I will take a picture of the stitches some time today, after my hands stop shaking!

1 comment:

Callie said...

Way to go Alan! How nice it would be to have stitches available so quickly and at no charge. I guess I could do it myself but the kids would hate me later in their lives.

I would be the same way Rachel. I get so nerveous when there is blood.

I'm glad Sam is okay.