Monday, October 6, 2008

The State Fair

This "big guy" was just outside the fair entrance. I think the boys would have been happy playing on the "big" guy's shoes all day.
There was a cake decorating section at the fair. There were some demonstrations and some awesome cakes there on display that had been entered in the fair. Some serious cake decorating! They had people helping kids to decorate rice krispy bars and the kids loved that! You did have to pay $1 to do it, but that's about the cheapest snack at the fair! And that frosting was to die for! I think I may have to give cake decorating a second chance. I took a class when I was in High School, but never worked with fondant, that was so fun! So Colleen, I may have to ask you where you took your classes and learned how to do this!
That's Bekah waving from the Ferris wheel. This was Jonah's first ride on the Ferris wheel, he's just too short so you can't see him in this picture. My parents were here for the weekend and My dad is up there with them, in case you were worried! Jonah loved it! I was afraid he would get up there and freak out, but he didn't.
Of course you have to visit all the animals at the fair! They had mother pigs waiting there to give birth as people watched and student vets worked. Kinda reminded me of when I had Bekah and they kept asking if more residents and student nurses could come in and watch! I had quite a crowd in there watching me almost bleed to death! Anyway, They also had a booth set up so you could watch them perform surgery on animals, so Alan was entertained for a while.
I got to have my cheese on a stick for the year. We didn't know where all the good food was like we do at our "old" state fair, but we will learn! I like that they have it later in the year, it's not so stinkin' hot!
Alan entered four pictures and won a third place ribbon on one of them! They even had hadmade cards and scrapbook pages entered so I may have to do that nex year.


Amanda said...

Sounds like fun. I bet its nice to have your parents down to visit. I took a cake decorating class in college. I really liked it. I don't do very well now though. I guess I don't put the effort.

Colleen and Justin said...

That looks like fun!

I took my class at the community college, but I know Micheal's and Hobby Lobby offer them, too. You should give it another chance!

Sally said...

We've lived here three years but haven't ventured to the fair yet. Thanks for the cardmaking class today, they are super cute. I'm excited to give them to people.

Jared and Elizabeth said...

I found you from Sally! Why do they make it so hard to find people? I can't wait to get together and make more cards. They are so cute and its so much fun.