I've never been happier to see this sight! This applies to all three kids. Alan has been out of town and oh I'm feeling it. Sam cried hard when I put him down for a nap today and never went to sleep. He was in there an hour and I kept thinking he would drift off any minute. He didn't. I looked inside his mouth and saw that three teeth had just broken through and the fourth spot was red. I cuddled him for a while and he fell asleep on me. I know that when this happens there is no chance of moving him so I just held him for 45 minutes. I tried not to think of all I could be doing during that time. I tried to just enjoy holding him. I also was able to doze for a while too. Bedtime did not go well with Jonah and I was losing it with him, and after Sam not napping this was almost too much. Bekah was also asking for help on some social studies assignment and asking me about the farming practices of Israel. WHAT?! I just told her to read the book, that's what I'd have to do too! I'm going to the doctor for a procedure on my leg tomorrow and I'm almost looking forward to it!
Man, I'm so sorry! I'm going to be alone for just 4 days next weekend and I'm not looking forward to that!
If you need a little break, let me know.
Do you want Carl to take Jonah to Benjamin's birthday party tomorrow?
you gotta love the pictures of them sleeping! They look so peaceful and sweet! Hard to imagine that sweet little thing was just driving you insane!
oh- I have an invitation for Jonah to Corynn's bday party at the zoo on Saturday. i was going to bring them to church on Sunday...but it was stake conference...so it didn't quite work out! its from 10-noon at the Children's zoo- if you want to unload Jonah for a few hours on Saturday- let me know and we can pick him on the way! Hope you are feeling better!
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